
This project explores the topic ‘economic crisis’ from a different and thought-provoking perspective. The application of the concept behind the Rorschach inkblot test to the designs on dollar bills gives reason to think about capitalism in a creative manner.
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17-fatuous-fire1bassa 16-fatuous-fire2bassa 15-fatuous-fire4bassa 14-belzebu2bassa 13-belzebu3bassa 12-belzebu4bassa 11-belzebu1bassa 10-ULYSSESBASSA 09-erotica1bassa 08-abrahambassa 07-erotica2bassa 06-Falloutimpudicusbassa 05-fungo2bassa 04-fungo1bassa 03-monsterBASSA 02-monkey1bassa 01-monkey2bassa

‘17’ is not only the amount of pieces; it also represents a hypothetical start date of the crisis of the world’s economic system.

Combined with their mirror reflection, the forms on the banknotes reveal ironic and unexpected images showing female genitals, grinning devils, oriental-looking idols, apes and nuclear mushroom clouds.

The money becomes a spark that lights up an ambivalent and surreal world of imagination – a possible stimulus for reformation – where the disquiet creates a driving force, and the uneasiness stimulates the first step towards change.


An eye/fish on the hook; the logo represents my inherent and irresistible attraction to images and my profound desire to create truly ‘eye-catching’ ones.

Art Director

In editorial illustration projects like in the field of communication I enjoy being able to give the client exactly what they are looking for, breathing life into their ideas. I also love finding the ideal patron for the realization of each of my projects.

Creative Mind

I feel the need to experiment, work in teams, change my style and role, and always meet new people with whom to collaborate and discuss new ideas. It’s my goal to unite a group of professionals to work towards a shared visual idea which will have coherent and effective results.


I’ve always seen creativity as the key to change our reality, to imagine a better one or to show its critical points. PAPER PASSIONS is not only the name of my blog it’s also the expression of my love for paper in general and for the delicate textures imprinted on banknotes or encoded in maps.